Obama Holds Firm on Tax HikesClaiming his re-election was proof that ‘a majority’ of Americans agree with his approach, President Obama vowed Friday to only approve a plan to avoid the so-called ‘fiscal cliff’ that also includes raising tax rates on higher earners.(FoxNews)
In the fierce headline debate over the so-called fiscal cliff, our newly reelected president argues that “a majority of Americans agree with [his] approach.” That approach, according to the president, is “to combine spending cuts with revenue — and that means asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more in taxes.”
Well, that’s not exactly what the exit polls said.
To the question “Should taxes be raised to help cut the budget deficit?” only 33 percent answered “yes” while 63 percent responded “no.” Isn’t that interesting? But nobody’s talking about this exit-poll nugget. http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/333119/don-t-go-wobbly-gop-larry-kudlow#
Geraldo On The Delay In Reporting Iran’s Attack On U.S. Drones: President ‘Had His Plate Full’ With Election http://www.mediaite.com/tv/geraldo-on-the-delay-in-reporting-iranian-attack-on-u-s-drones-president-had-his-plate-full-with-election/
Just two days after President Obama’s re-election, General David Petraeus, the CIA Director, has resigned from the administration over an extramarital affair. Petraeus was slated to before Congress next week on the murder of four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, in Benghazi, Libya. Bret Baier of Fox News just , “With Petraeus’ resignation effective immediately, he will not testify next week & lawmakers are said to be ‘stunned’ by the announcement.”
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has turned down an invitation to testify before the House Foreign Affairs Committee next Thursday on the Benghazi attack. http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2012/11/09/clinton-turns-down-request-to-testify-on-benghazi-next-week/