6 thoughts on “Rampant Gestapo Injustice By Our Own Government

  1. I have seen a raid like this at a pawn shop. The guy ended up spending 7 years in jail for paperwork fraud. It probably was a sneak attack so he couldn’t hide tax documents. Not sure if this was the same thing.

  2. I hate to say it but this is our fault. We have sat in our own little worlds being selfish in our own lives. The IRS has been gaining power for years all the meanwhile we giggled and accepted it. If we don’t STAND UP & UNIFY it will get much worse. End the “white heartlessness” that we share or pay the price.

  3. Ppl voted this admin.back in now deal with it. What constitution. Nobody listened when ppl on the right said these govt. officials don’t believe in the const. Your president himself said the “const.should be thrown out, it is an outdated document.” those are Obama’s exact words but ppl didn’t listen or they suffer from white guilt. WAKE UP. This is not the America u know so either deal with it or do something about it. If your a politically correct person, you might want to just del with it.

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