Taxes – Politicians Have Never Seen A Tax They Didn’t Like

Both Parties Playing The Same Song In A Different Key –                                           When Will You Wake Up America?                                                                         Saturday Humor

JINDAL Proposes Elimination Of Income and Corporate Taxes In Louisiana

Kudo’s For A Man That’s Is Doing Something Positive – If He Does This, Watch How Things Start To Pop In The Swamp –  -  When Will You Wake Up America?

Alexis Levinson DC 01-11-13

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal is proposing the complete elimination of income and corporate taxes in the state, and says he wants to replace the revenue by increasing sales taxes. Continue reading



The Foundation                                                                                                             ”I think all the world would gain by setting commerce at perfect liberty.” –Thomas Jefferson



‘Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, ‘Woe to those who call evil good,’ but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor’s possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from sin and set us free. Amen!’


We Know Of All The Documented Fraud With This Charlton Muslim Socialist, But His Handlers And A Compliant Media, Coupled With A Corrupt Dumercratic/Socialistic Party, Continue To Shield Him And Keep Him In Power. In Most Countries, He Would Be In Jail……Wake Up America!


A Hero On And Off The Battlefield, A Genuine American Patriot And Family Man 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Truth is, retired Gen. H. Norman Schwarzkopf didn’t care much for his popular “Stormin’ Norman” nickname.

The seemingly no-nonsense Desert Storm commander’s reputed temper with aides and subordinates supposedly earned him that rough-and-ready moniker. But others around the general, who died Thursday in Tampa, Fla., at age 78 from complications from pneumonia, knew him as a friendly, talkative and even jovial figure who preferred the somewhat milder sobriquet given by his troops: “The Bear.”

That one perhaps suited him better Continue reading

Liberals Pine for China’s Top-Down Society

I Personally Believe They Really Don’t Know What They Want As They’re So Easily Led From One Feel Good Notion To The Next – They’re Stuck In Their College Age Thinking And Do Not, (No Can Not) Grow Up And Become Adults To Face Reality. rc

John Ransom TownHall 12-19-12

Kenneth416 wrote: While I will not be affected by the increase in the marginal rate of taxation of salaries and wages from the current 35% to 39.6% (as under the Clinton-era), I doubt that it will have a serious effect on the behavior of the highest earners. Note that, for a high earner who earns $1M, the additional income tax will be only $46,000, less than the cost of the luxury Mercedes or Lexus he or she drives (and which is probably provided by his/her employer, anyway). The real bite comes in the tax on Dividends and Cap Gains, where the majority of super-rich derive their income (e.g., Buffett, Gates, et al)- World Begins to Heal with Taxes on Rich January 1st

Dear Comrade Ken,

Well I’m sure surprised that a LIBERAL like you wouldn’t be concerned with the “fairness” of raising taxes on someone who isn’t you. Glad Continue reading

We Thought It Very Unusual When They Invited A Publicized Tour Of Their Vault, But This Is Telling Us What We Have Been Warning About For Several Years – There Is Not Enough Gold In The World To Cover The Vast Amounts Of Paper Transactions Made Daily And The Criminal Manipulation By Great Britain & United States Continues Unabated To Cover Their Friends And Currencies


Maybe it’s just a coincidence but maybe instead it’s a propaganda campaign launched by the British government and the Bank of England to assuage growing international concern about the oversubscription, lending, and swapping of Western central bank reserves. Continue reading

Forensics Profiler Deconstructs Barack Obama (7 Videos)

There Are Seven Videos Included In This Piece That Delve Into What Makes Barack Obama Tick, Why He Does What He Does And His Core Beliefs


Cutting edge forensic profiler Dr. Andrew G. Hodges is using his skills to
decode the psychological construct of President Barack Obama to uncover the reasons for what the doctor believes to be the president’s “deep misguided fury … toward America.”  Continue reading

Obama’s Russia Policy: Submission

I’ll Bet As A Kid Obama Was A Real Pu_ _ y (Err Wuss), And Took A Lot Of Guff From Anybody Who’d Confront Him Face To Face

Manda Zand Ervin(PJ Media)-12-12-12

Four years ago, Hillary Clinton offered a “reset button” to Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. Among countries vulnerable to and apprehensive of Russia, this was considered an American submission.

As a sign of goodwill by the Obama administration and to prove an openness to negotiate, the U.S. gave up the anti-missile bases in Poland. This act betrayed Eastern European allies who have lived under Russian threats and domination. Three years later, President Obama made another promise over an open microphone to Russian President Medvedev, offereing yet more unilateral policy resetting after his reelection. Continue reading