Conservatives Corner

Conservative Corner 11-23-12

Karen Peters Continue reading

Conservatives Corner

Conservative Corner 11-21-12

Karen Peters

RNC can’t make sure elections are not fraudulent; Gov’t wants YOUR retirement investments; and more…. Continue reading

Conservatives Corners

Conservative Corner 11/20/12 

Karen Peters

Doctor Terminated for Posting Viral Anti-Obamacare Rant on YouTube  Continue reading

Conservatives Corner

Conservative Corner 11/19/2012 

There is a bill requiring all businesses to automatically enroll their employees in IRA plans in which part of every employee’s paycheck would be automatically deducted and deposited into this accountIf this passes, the government will be just one step away from being able to confiscate all these retirement accounts.See Below Continue reading

Conservatives Corner

Conservative Corner 11-17-12

*  FEMA Corps first-responders and armored fighting vehicles;

*  private businesses may have to turn over employess personal info to unions;

*  5% Obamacare surcharge for meals;

*  353 coal-fired plants to close; and more

Karen Peters Continue reading

Conservatives Corner

Conservative Corner 11-16-12

Karen Peters

*  The will of the people;

*  New jobless claims soar;

*  Obamacare repeal would save most money, A move to nationalize nation’s pension system;


Continue reading

Conservatives Corner

Conservative Corner 11-15-12

*  Obama to Russia;

*  Constitution’s loss;

*  Unfair to legal immigrants;

*  Obama Interior Secretary threatens to punch reporter because of his question;

*  Obama phones’ part in election turnout Continue reading

Conservatives Corner 11-14-12                                                                                       Counting votes and more


Karen Peters

“When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic.” -Benjamin Franklin

Joseph Farrah of who used to hang out with the likes of Bill Ayres Continue reading

EXPOSED: The truth behind the Agenda 21 ads airing on TheBlaze

We’ve Been Warning People For Two Years About The UN’s Agenda 21

Agenda 21 Is The Most Destructive Piece of Legislation All Americans Must Resist – It’s Already Happening In Many Towns & Counties Across The USA

“This is a fantastic story,” Glenn said. “If you know anybody who likes Hunger Games. Brad Thor read it. I had a few friends read it and he wrote back and said, Glenn this is the is 1984 of this generation.” Continue reading

Conservaties Corner

The consequences of an election, and                                                                           why the Republicans cannot have votes recounted and Much More……..

Conservative Corner                                                                                                      Karen Peters - 11-13-12   Continue reading