I Believe It’s All Going According To His Plan – When Will You Wake Up America?

Dan Mitchell TownHall 01-17-13

Economists may not agree on much, but we all agree that economic output is a function of capital and labor. Ask a Keynesian, a Marxist, an Austrian, a monetarist, or any economist, and they’ll all agree that living standards are determined by the quality and quantity of these two factors of production.

So it should be very worrisome that there has been a big drop in the share of the population that is employed. Continue reading


This Is The Fifth Different Article We’ve Brought To Your Attention On Obama’s Close Ties With His Muslim Brothers In The Muslim Brotherhood – More And More Are Opening Their Eyes To The Facts –  When Will You Wake Up America?

Bob Beauprez 01-17-13

A recently published report by Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine identifies six American Islamist activists that are connected to the Obama Administration as Muslim Brotherhood (MB) operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy. Continue reading

What Is the Stock Market?

This May Help Answer Many Of Your Questions –                                                    When Will You Wake Up America?

Robert Murphy 01-17-13

The stock market is a quintessential feature of capitalism. 

 At the most basic level, the “stock market” simply refers to the abstract market for ownership of corporations. There are physical places called stock exchanges, where buyers and sellers meet — the most famous, of course, being the New York Stock Exchange, located at 11 Wall Street, New York, N.Y.

But the “stock market” itself is the intangible nexus of all such buyers Continue reading

Breaking News: OMFIF Report Advocates the Official Remonetization of Gold

Gold Yes, But I Believe The Fundamental’s For Silver Are Even Greater And When The Manipulation Is Finally Put To Bed, The True Value Of Silver Will Exceed Most Expectations – When Will You Wake Up America?

John Butler Financial Sense 01-16-13

In a report published today, the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF), a global organization of central banks and sovereign wealth funds, recommends that gold be remonetized for use as international money, alongside major currencies. OMFIF gives a number of Continue reading


Understanding the Obama Conspiracy & U.S. Takeover – When Will You Wake Up America? 

Doug Hagmann CFP 01-16-13

The Constitutional government of the United States has been overthrown, and the American people have been captured. The only question now is what are we, as true Americans believing that our Constitution is the one and only law of the land, going to do about it? It’s now simply a matter of what the blowback from the tyranny being thrust upon us will look like, how or even if it will play out.

If you are looking for normal political solutions out of this legal, financial, moral and Continue reading


You Would Think If You Didn’t Have A Job You Were Unemployed – But That Would Only Be Logical Thinking, Silly Me – When Will You Wake Up America?          (I’ve Followed John William For Several Years, And His ShadowStats Have Always Been Right On The Money) rc

Government’s “Headline” Statistics Hide True Conditions

Jerome R. Corsi WND 01-15-13

The real unemployment rate for December 2012 is closer to 23 percent, not the 7.8 percent reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, according to economist John Williams.

Williams, author of the Shadow Government Statistics website, argues that the federal government manipulates the reporting of key economic data for political purposes, using methodologies that tend to mask bad news. Continue reading

Barack Obama: Weapon of Mass Distraction

With A Friend Like Obama, We Don’t Need (And Can’t Take)  Any More Enemies – When Will You Wake Up America?

David Limbaugh 01-15-13

Obama’s latest news conference was further confirmation that his voracious appetite for spending was not satisfied but whetted by the fiscal cliff deal, which he views as an appetizer.

We were told that the GOP achieved a coup in the fiscal cliff negotiations because they lured Obama into an agreement to lock in the Bush tax rates except for the highest-income earners. Never mind that Obama agreed to no spending cuts or entitlement reform after demanding a “balanced approach” to deficit reduction; Continue reading


You’ve Got To Take Your Hat Off To A Guy That Takes Care Of His Friends Like Obama Has For The Chinese, Russians And Islamist –                                   When Will You Wake Up America?

Phyllis Schlafy 01-15-13

    • The China problem is not just that China is raking in trillions of dollars because of Obama’s spending and borrowing binges, and it’s not just that government policies encourage well-paying U.S. manufacturing jobs to move overseas. An even bigger problem is that the Obama administration is about to give Communist China some of our most precious and up-to-date military technology.  Continue reading


    Take A Look At Every Major City In The Free World Where Liberals Have Been In Power For Decades – They All Look Like Detroit – Obama’s Plans Are Identical To The Pathway Detroit And Others Followed When “Looking Out For The Little Guy” –  -  -  -  -  When Will You Wake Up America?

    Thomas Sowell TownHall 01-15-13

    There is no question that liberals do an impressive job of expressing concern for blacks. But do the intentions expressed in their words match the actual consequences of their deeds?

    San Francisco is a classic example of a city unexcelled in its liberalism. But the black population of San Francisco today is less than half of what it was back in 1970, even though the city’s total population has grown.

    Severe restrictions on building housing in San Francisco have driven rents and home prices so high that blacks and other people with low or moderate incomes have been driven out of the city. The same thing has happened in a number of other California communities dominated by liberals. Continue reading


    If You’ve Been Following What’s Been Happening To The European Economy/Debt & Bailouts (Which Impact America), You Know This Is Significant – When Will You Wake Up America?

    GATA 01-14-15

    The German business newspaper Handelsblatt, based in Dusseldorf, reports exclusively tonight that the Bundesbank will announce tomorrow a plan to retrieve Germany’s national gold from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Banque de France in Paris:

    Continue reading